Development Update #1 on Magic Pages

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you once again for your support in purchasing the lifetime deal for Magic Pages. It's been a wild ride and I'm grateful to have early adopters like you on board.

While I am finishing the work on Magic Pages, I want to give you regular updates on what's happening – if you do not want to receive these, feel free to unsubscribe by clicking the link below.

What I am currently working on

I'm currently working on the infrastructure behind Magic Pages to make sure everything runs smoothly for you. It's basically all the tech stuff. Servers, software, backups – all of that.

It's the first time I am doing something like that on a bigger scale – so my priority is to make sure everything is stable. Exciting times 🙌

Looking into the future

As one of the first customers, I want to be sure that Magic Pages caters to your needs. With that being said, I would love to hear from you. Is there something that's super important for you? Something you'd want me to bump up on the list of priorities?


PS: As of right now, there are still 4 lifetime deals left. So, if you know somebody that would benefit from this or want to snatch up another slot for yourself (Maybe a side project? Or your personal site?), just go to 🙌

Customer Stories

Built by Ghost publishers like you

From personal blogs to global publications, see what others are building with Magic Pages.

Screenshot of Ellie Mathieson's website

Ellie Mathieson

Digital Storefront
Screenshot of Big Idea Bible

Big Idea Bible

Personal Blog
Screenshot of Bento


Ghost Theme