Development Update #3 on Magic Pages

I hope you are well!

Unfortunately, I have some not so great news to share with you today. I have contracted COVID-19. I've been incredibly lucky to avoid it for the last three years, but it finally caught up with me. As a result, the last five days have been a bit of a blur. My brain feels as foggy as a Berlin winter morning, and I've been pretty much unable to work on Magic Pages during this time. However, I'm slowly getting better, and I hope to be back to work soon.

While I've been bed-bound, I've been thinking about the value of these update emails. I've noticed that many of you have been responding, either via email or on Twitter. This has been incredibly helpful and created an important feedback loop. I want to foster this community more and involve you in the development of Magic Pages.

So, I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in well...being a bit more involved? Would you like to be a part of a community that helps shape the future of Magic Pages? If this is something that interests you, please hit the reply button and let me know. I'm considering setting up a dedicated community and would love to hear your thoughts.

In other news, before I got sick, I had been working on implementing the email sending functionality. This is a crucial component of Magic Pages. I have dug deep into the technicalities of things and have a pretty good picture of the what, why, where, and when – so once my brain clears up a bit, I'll jump back into that.

That's all for now. I'll be taking it easy for a few more days, but I hope to be back at it soon. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with any thoughts, ideas, or feedback. Your input is invaluable to me.

Thank you for your continued support.


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