Yes, it's Thursday – and I'm back with another update on Magic Pages. I've got some pretty exciting news to share today.
Firstly, I'm thrilled to tell you that the email sending functionality is finally working smoothly! I successfully swamped my Gmail inbox with 10,000 randomly generated newsletters the other day 🙈
We had some minor issues to sort out this week regarding click and open tracking, but everything is sorted now. Here's a quick GIF to show you a rough overview of how it's gonna look like 👇

The Ukrainian agency I'm working with is finishing up testing all the features, and then it will be handover time. After that, I need to make a few adjustments, add the themes I've been promising you, and we'll be pretty much good to go for v1.
On the customer portal front, I've made some great progress as well. I implemented the restructuring I mentioned last week, and it's working smoothly. I can now set up a new Magic Pages website and edit the domain name I connected.
In the backend, I've been working on automation of the infrastructure. I've properly set up the servers and implemented a fully-automated backup solution. This is primarily a failsafe in case of unexpected events, which I hope we'll never need – but it has actually saved me a few times when I've been testing certain configurations that weren't as stable as I expected 🙈
Overall, I think it's safe to say we might be looking at a release for all of you in the first 1-2 weeks of May 👀🎉
To get things rolling, I'll need to prioritize some themes. While I have some ideas from my side, it would be really helpful if you could send me a quick email letting me know what you will use Magic Pages for. A blog? Publishing a podcast? Setting up some landing pages with newsletter subscriptions? Something completely different? Let me know!
Lastly, I've made the decision to keep Magic Pages as a one-time purchase product instead of subscriptions in the future. The new server provider I'm working with enables me to do that, and I only see advantages. However, prices will most likely rise to around $300, to better reflect the cost of email sending.
As always, thank you for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any thoughts or ideas.